Arranging Funds for Your Overseas Education Dream
Studying abroad, away from your mother and motherland, has never been easy. Besides qualifying for the stern education requirements of some other country and making all the cultural adjustments, students at all times have to think about the money and find out ways to pay for their course. Given the disparaging currency exchange rate, which is getting worse day by day, an ambitious Indian student needs a minimum of INR 30 lakhs for a 2 year post graduate degree course in U.S., U.K, Australia, Canada, etc., countries that are known for their best education system. This makes it even more important to have a proper and consistent funding arrangements for one’s dream of attaining overseas education. As a matter of fact, during visa interview, one of the most important questions that the aspiring student has to answer is, “How do you plan to fund your course?”. This shows how important it is to have this funding problem solved before you even think of studying abroad. Now that we have ...